Some Books I Recommend You To Read


You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus


Hosanna Wong


You don’t have to live disconnected from yourself or from God.

Have you ever felt unseen, unwanted, or unworthy? If so, you’re not crazy. You’ve been told lies your whole life. From the beginning of time, the enemy has been fighting against you knowing who you really are, so you never live the full life you were created to live. But there is good news…

There is a way to know who you really are, and live like it, every single day. It’s shockingly practical, down-to-earth, and tangible. While Jesus was on earth, He lived a lifestyle of rhythms that helped Him fight the lies of the enemy. Through His habits, we will discover a roadmap to living lighter, and living as who we really are.

In You Are More Than You’ve Been Told, spoken word artist and bestselling author Hosanna Wong unveils a fresh approach to spiritual disciplines as the practical ways we can stay connected to God and to our true selves. She will help you

identify the lies that have held you back and uncover important truths about who you are and have always been,
discover tangible tools to help you heal from deep wounds and see God in the most tender places of your story, and
unlock four key rhythms that will help you be free of burdens you were never meant to carry.
You are more than what people have said about you. You are more than what you have done and what’s been done to you. It turns out—You will know who you really are when you spend real time with the One who knows you the best. Let this practical roadmap show you how.


The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (New Expanded 2018 Edition): How Loving Yourself the Way God Does Can Bring Healing and Freedom to Your Life 


Jerry and Denise Basel


What Keeps You from Loving Someone God Loves So Much?How might your life change if you really believed God loves you—not just in your head but down where it counts, in your heart?Imagine how different things could be: The lies you’ve believed about yourself all these years, dispelled. The wounds of abuse, healed. Your future lit with hope, peace, and purpose. Your closeness with God and others deepened immeasurably. The true, heaven-born you, free at last to live a life unclouded by shame, guilt, and fear and empowered to love others fully.That can be you. The truth is far, far better than you’ve known.Used both individually and in Bible studies, recovery groups, men’s and women’s retreats, and private counseling across the country, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself invites you on a journey of God-discovery, self-discovery, and truth-discovery. This expanded edition sheds still greater light on some of life’s most wounding influences—and the way to move beyond them. Drawing on their many years of biblical counseling practice, Jerry and Denise Basel help you experience God’s love as the daily, motivating force in your life. And they show you how to stop punishing and start loving someone whom your heavenly Father loves very much—YOU.You see, the missing commandment has never been missing from the Bible, only from your life. But that can change, starting now.


Seeing God as a Perfect Father: and Seeing You as Loved, Pursued, and Secure


Louie Giglio


You are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.

How you view God informs everything about who you are and who you’re becoming. In this updated and retitled edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken, Louie Giglio challenges our common perceptions of who God is and points us to know Him as a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent but is available and ready to embrace us with His approval and blessing.

Seeing God as a Perfect Father invites you to:

see that God is the perfection of your earthly father, not a reflection of him

discover how to walk in the freedom of your identity as a loved child, uniquely created by God

break the chains of generational patterns by forgiving your imperfect family

When we take hold of the truth that God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our pasts but by the love of a perfect heavenly Father. When we rightly see God’s character, we rightly see that we are loved, pursued, and secured by the Creator of the universe.


I Will Not Fear: A Strategy to Overcome Anxiety, Worry and Fear-Based Living – 2nd Edition 


Mark DeJesus


Turn the tables on anxiety, stress and worry. Learn to overcome fear in practical, yet powerful ways! A growing mass of people are manifesting the effects of fear, from a loss of confidence and boldness, to chronic anxiety and panic attacks. The fear factor is keeping hearts and lives bound under a cloud of oppression. It’s time that people become equipped with insights and strategies that produce freedom. “I Will Not Fear” is a blueprint to expose fear’s tactics, while laying out a plan to take back your peace. Mark has personally overcome the bondage of anxiety and panic attacks, and is effectively helping many people break free of the own fear based struggles. Step by step, you can take the journey to break through the fear factor that seeks to steal your peace and confidence. Through the pages of this book, you will be able to:- Gain a step by step training on what fear does and how it infiltrates our lives. – Learn how to discern fear’s tactics and get a clear plan for victory. – Gain Scriptural and practical tools to break through anxiety, worry, stress and all influences of fear in your life. I Will Not Fear is a “How To” manual, designed to help the multitudes affected by fear: from the one who simply struggles with stepping into fearful situations—to the person who is emotionally locked in and imprisoned by fears affects. Take a journey towards freedom and join the masses who are declaring, “I Will Not Fear”!


Experiencing God’s Love as Your Father


Mark DeJesus


What comes to mind when you hear the word “father” or “dad”? Does it stir up references of love, hope and empowerment? To experience the love of God in i’s greatest measure, we need to encounter God in His identity, as a Father.

Everything that Jesus lived out was designed to show us what the heart of the Father is like. Even so, masses of Christians are going to Jesus, yet avoiding the Father. To them, their reference of father has been wounded or left empty. As a result, the enemy works relentlessly to keep us from experiencing the great love that our Heavenly Father extends to us. This book will help heal your lens of what father means and usher you into a renewed and powerful relationship with Abba; your Dad.

In this book, you will be encouraged to discover:
– The two greatest needs that you have in your heart.
– What keeps us from knowing who God is as Father?
– How to overcome flawed earthly father experiences.

Allow yourself to break through the hinderances that make you feel far from God and experience His love like never before!


Exposing the Rejection Mindset: Experience Love | Know Who You Are | Empower Your Relationships “2nd edition”


Mark DeJesus


Break free by exposing the lies of a rejection mindset. Everyone experiences rejection in their life, but few are equipped to overthrow a rejection mindset. Meanwhile, masses of hearts are held back from experiencing the fullness of love in their relationships while being held under the limitation of spiritual slavery. Rejection is a deeply rooted mindset that seeks to steal your ability to experience love, see the power of your identity and experience fruitful relationships. It keeps your heart from experiencing a healthy and fruitful life as a loved child of God. Many people never experience the fullness that is possible because a rejection mindset held them back. Through his work as a transformational consultant, Mark has witnessed the effects of a rejection mindset first-hand. Through his own personal freedom journey and helping many to break from personal limitations, Mark will expose this sinister mindset and give you practical tools to live free. Throughout this book, you will learn to see how this root system of rejection seeks to get itself into every facet of relationships. You will be able to: – Get to the bottom of what causes most of our relationship struggles. – See why so many believers feel far from God and struggle to connect to His love. – Uncover why many of the same cycles of limitation keep occurring. – Face personal insecurities and get an identity upgrade. – Develop a healthier lens in how you approach relationships. – Break out of places where you feel stuck and get a fresh start. It’s time to take back who you are and what you were made for. Expose the rejection mindset in your life and walk into your freedom.


The OCD Healing Journey: Getting to the Heart of Our Obsessive and Compulsive Struggles


Mark DeJesus


Obsessions and Compulsions Don’t Have to Rule Your Life

Many are finding themselves under the clutches of disturbing thoughts and emotions that keep showing up in their mind. They get lost in how to deal with these troublesome thoughts that demand for their attention.

While obsessions and compulsions are not a new struggle, the term OCD is fairly new. Yet for a long time, many have mistaken this challenging mental health battle as one of cleanliness and strict order. It goes far deeper than that.

Mark DeJesus found himself locked in the trenches of OCD, but did not even realize it for a long time. This book uncovers many chapters of his life where he had to recognize how obsessions and compulsions influenced his life and how to walk in greater freedom and healing.

It seems our world is becoming more obsessive and compulsive. With increasing anxiety, stress and worry, there are many who are secretly wrestling with intrusive disturbances in their thoughts that are stealing their peace.

The good news is that obsessive compulsive struggles do not have to own the final answer on your journey. Mark is living proof that you do not have to remain under the weight of OCD your whole life.

This book is a blueprint of his journey getting to the heart of the struggle that has helped many to make sense of what they battle with and how to embrace their own journey of healing.

Included in The OCD Healing Journey is special insight for religious OCD, relationship OCD and aspects of obsessive-compulsive struggles that interfere with healthy relationship communication.


God Loves Me and I Love Myself!: Overcoming the Resistance to Loving Yourself


Mark DeJesus


DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF? Most people have never even asked themselves that question, let alone know how to answer it. This is because we live under a modern plague, where masses struggle to love themselves as God loves them. Very few understand how to love themselves in a healthy way and have no tools to break free from the resistance that blocks them. Jesus said that we are to love our neighbor “as ourselves.” Yet that phrase seems to be the most ignored command of the Bible. The fruit of our relationships hinges on our ability to loves ourselves with the love that God has for us. So many struggle in a daily battle that keeps them from the freedom that love has. In this book, Mark will utilize his personal freedom experience and over 20 years working with people to unlock the missing link to powerful relationships.In this book, you will be equipped to move into the power of self-love by:- Learning what healthy self-love is and what it is not.- Identifying the resistance that blocks people from loving themselves.- Observing how a lack of self-love affects every area of our lives.- Unlocking practical ways to gain freedom and to love yourself as God does.- Receiving important tools that you can practice immediately to overcome.- Putting healthy self-love into action to give and receive love powerfully!


The Heart Healing Journey: Awaken, Heal and Transform Your Life


Mark DeJesus


A 28 Day Experience to Transform Your HeartAre you living a life that is fully alive from the heart? In a world where many are just looking to get by in life, a remnant is crying out for more. They desire to live free from a heart that is fully alive to God and awakened to the transformation that is available to them. Are you aware that your heart needs healing? The reason you may be struggling in certain areas of your life is because your heart needs to experience healing, so that love and truth can have a greater work in your life. This book will outline what a heart journey looks like, so you can break through some of the hindrances that don’t seem to budge. Are you passionate for personal transformation? Do you want to get to the root issues of your heart so that you can experience the change and transformation you were destined for? Then The Heart Healing Journey is the book for you. Inside these pages, Mark will use over 25 years of personal experience helping people in teaching you the keys to walking in greater wholeness. If you have a passion to let your heart experience greater love and healing, then get ready for adventure! The life of the heart is involved with everything that happens in your life. Yet it is one of the most neglected areas that people address. We might work overtime on our physiology with exercise or nutrition. Or we may develop the capacity of our minds to learn new information and gain more knowledge. But have we been trained to live powerfully from a healthy heart life? Do we even know what that means?In this series of simple, yet straightforward writings, Mark will walk along side of your journey and encourage you to live with a heart that is fully alive, while experiencing the healing that your heart needs. Now is your time to stop going through the motions and invite God to breath life into your heart.


God Is Not Mad at You: You Can Experience Real Love, Acceptance & Guilt-free Living


Joyce Meyer


When bestselling author Joyce Meyer posted “God’s not mad at you” on Facebook, she didn’t anticipate that her words would trigger thousands of responses of gratitude and relief. Apparently many Christians struggle to reconcile their perception of God as both a loving parent and a stern judge.

In GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU, Joyce will help those who haven’t truly received God’s love because they are afraid of His anger and disapproval. She explores the source of this confusion, so His genuine character can be better understood and His love can be experienced on an entirely new level.

Chapter titles include:

* Perfectionism and Approval

* The Pain of Rejection

* Guilt and Shame

* Developing Your Potential

* Run to God, Not from Him

* Getting Comfortable with God

“It is important for us to remember that God’s anger is directed toward our sinful behavior rather than toward us. If you feel guilty right now and are afraid that God is mad at you, then you are miserable. But your misery can be immediately changed to peace and joy by simply believing God’s Word. Believe that God loves you and that He is ready to show you mercy and forgive you completely. Believe that God has a good plan for your life. Believe that God is not mad at you!”


Think Ahead: 7 Decisions You Can Make Today for the God-Honoring Life You Want Tomorrow


Craig Groeschel


Experience the joy, freedom, and fulfillment God wants for you by learning the key to making God-glorifying choices: the power of pre-decision.

What if we actually have the ability to break free from the pitfalls of impulsive decisions and develop positive, godly habits? What if becoming the person you want to be starts now, before you make a decision?

Craig Groeschel—author of Winning the War in Your Mind—will empower you to put into action seven life-defining pre-decisions that will help you overcome the daily temptations, distractions, and influences that constantly bombard us. Drawing on Scripture, story, and the latest research into human behavior, Think Ahead will help you:

Understand the science behind your decision-making habits.
Equip you with the tools to avoid sinful and damaging patterns.
Overcome decision fatigue and debilitating fears.
See how your small choices shape the kind of Christ-follower you become.

Pastor Craig knows from personal experience and as a counselor to others what it’s like to feel stuck or overwhelmed. Think Ahead is your playbook for defining and putting into action seven life-defining, God-glorifying I will statements that you can make today to prepare you for your big moments tomorrow.


Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life


Craig Groeschel


Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

We’ve all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he’s discovered to change your mind and your life for the long-term.

Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Winning the War in Your Mind will help you:

Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it
Identify the lies your enemy wants you to believe
Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for destructive thinking
See how prayer and praise will transform your mind
Develop practices that allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts

God has something better for your life than your old ways of thinking. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.


The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most


Craig Groeschel


Life-Changing Spiritual and Practical Strategies for True Transformation.

Nothing is more frustrating than knowing you need to change and trying to change, but failing to change. You feel stuck, no matter how hard you try. Craig Groeschel, author of Winning the War in Your Mind, knows what it’s like to be caught in that cycle. That was his own story—until he discovered these practical and biblical principles for experiencing lasting change.

In The Power to Change, Craig will help you find true change in your relationships, habits, and thoughts by unpacking:

How God’s power, not your willpower, leads to true transformation
The real reasons you do what you do
Why falling isn’t failure
The power of creating small habits that lead to big change
How to choose what you want most over what you want now

A powerful blend of biblical wisdom and fascinating psychology, The Power to Change includes helpful exercises, real-life stories, and life-changing spiritual insights. Whether you are trying to lose weight, breathe new life into your marriage, read the Bible more, get out of debt, or give up an addiction, Craig’s step-by-step, time-tested strategies will equip you to start living the life God wants for you.


Identity Theft: Reclaiming the Truth of our Identity in Christ


Melissa Kruger


Who am I? It’s a question we all ask ourselves at some point. Depending on the season we focus our identity on our job performance, marital status, personality type, or social network, among other options. However, there’s a larger question to consider. Who does the Bible tell me I am in Christ? From the wisdom and perspective of insightful authors-including Jen Wilkin, Hannah Anderson, and Jen Pollock Michel-we’ll seek to answer this question by: Exposing our false notions of identity; Understanding the biblical truth of our identity in Christ; and Reflecting on what it looks like to live in our new (and true) identity. In 10 chapters we’ll cover everything from our identity as children of God to citizens of heaven. At the end of each chapter, study questions will facilitate group discussion as you consider this glorious truth with your friends. Join us as we explore how knowing who we are in Christ changes every aspect of our lives.


Confident Identity: Christian Strategies to Forget Who You Aren’t and Discover Who You Really Are


Matt Pavlik


You Can BE Comfortable in Your Own Skin(even if you suffer from low self-esteem)You can LOVE who you are!(God wants to teach you why He made you)When you know and love who God made you to be, you can pursue life with security, freedom, and peace. However, when you struggle to love and accept who you are, you won’t be able to love others or God. You won’t reach your potential.You can ENJOY your relationships and your work!(your identity is the key)You are significant and important. Your identity is the crucial, intentional part of God’s plans and purposes. He designed you before you were born. He has plans for you in eternity. Confident Identity is a three-part book created to help you live confidently by understanding, discovering, and using your God-given identity.

Clarifies what identity is and what it isn’t
Includes multiple self-discovery exercises
Guides you through writing identity, vision, and mission statements

Don’t miss out on who you are. Invest in the joyful process of discovering who you really are by ordering Confident Identity.Your identity is God’s greatest gift to you only if you open it up and discover who you are.

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